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Puckdropper has scored 283 goals and 344 assists in his lifetime.

Puckdropper's Painting Rules

By now, I expect the basic rules of painting (don't paint yourself into a corner, clean your brush etc) are familiar to you. I've got a few to add based on either observation or experience.

1. Expect to get paint on you.

I always manage this somehow. It doesn't matter how careful I am, it still happens. All it takes is a little brush (pun unintended) with the paint.

2. When finished, leave the area.

I've painted things and tried to be careful as I kept working, but somehow rule #1 always finds a way. So, when finished, I always leave the area. Most paints need only a few hours to dry to the touch, so finding something else to do elsewhere isn't a big deal.

3. No drinks.

Observation or experience? You decide.

4. If the paint won't wash off your skin, don't panic.

It'll wear off in a few days. Until then, if anybody asks just tell them about your latest project. :-)

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