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Puckdropper has scored 283 goals and 344 assists in his lifetime.

A new Trainline GP9M

I picked up a Trainline GP9M at a show a few weekends ago. This makes #6 of this model. The model never was in production, so it represents a rebuilt version.

This model is Union Pacific 289. I had noted a broken handrail at the show, but it wasn't a big deal. I did not notice the handrail on the other side was missing and the front one was broken. Replacements would be needed, as this would keep even the most power-desperate railroad from using the locomotive.

The first step in converting any locomotive to DCC is to test the locomotive on DC. There was an unusual squealing from the trucks as the wheels turned. As the locomotive progressed around the test loop, it would derail at several points. These problems turned out to be caused by out of gauge wheels. I was really surprised the squeal was fixed by regauging the wheels.

To complete the DC tune up, I removed the wheels and cleaned them with a brass brush in a Dremel tool. This took just a few minutes, much less time than my first attempts at wheel cleaning.

Now that the locomotive runs well on DC, it's time to work on installing a DCC decoder.

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